Thursday, August 20, 2009

My sweet husband

I know that blogging is out there for the world to see, but sometimes, you just want to stand up and let the world know something that it on your mind.

I just want the world to know that I have one of the kindest and most thoughtful husbands in the whole world. He would probably not relish the thought of me blogging that sentiment, but in a time when people can be so mean - even fellow Christians, I am blessed with a husband who is caring and kind. It isn't just something he does for me and others, it is something that he is in Christ. To hear of his past without Christ, he didn't used to be nice. But the grace of God changes us - thankfully, and we become new creatures in our Lord.

I have never known the unbelieving Tom, so I don't really have anything to compare him to, but he is such a wonderful blessing now!

I love you Tom!


M.K. said...

Agreed! Adam and I think Tom is GREAT!

Anonymous said...

And in an era when husband- and male-bashing is the order of the day, it's nice to see a woman sticking up for her man, too.