Here is Oscar, enjoying Aleya's coat!
Lorien with her favorite toy!
Here are a few photos from Christmas. I couldn't find the ones that we took as a family. I will have to look for those. I think that I downloaded them onto the other computer. Anyway - there are some of Kesse and Jathan and Tom there.
Lorien's last game is today! She isn't feeling too well, so I hope things turn out okay.
Busy day today - and I need to get started on school.
Yay - pictures!! And you are posting more often these days (in spite of being insanely busy). We've had chilly weather too, but not as cold as yours. Wish we had the deep Iowa snow to go with it.
I wanted to take pictures of Lorien's game, but my battery was dead! Bummer! Oh well. I am loving the updates that you are posting. It feels like we live next door - only we don't get to actually drink the tea together.
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