Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Updates from Iowa

The morning was delightfully chilly, though we didn't have frost. You can feel that it is coming! Isn't it interesting how wonderful the cool weather feels after a hot summer. It doesn't last too long though. Usually by January I am ready for spring. Oh well. My hot cup of flavored coffee warms my hands as I walk from the car to work.

Lorien's volleyball team seems to be learning a lot. They are getting much better at volleyball! It is fun to watch them play. They don't win too often, but they are getting better all the time.

Kayren finished her huge biology project. She had to gather and label fifty different leaves. Wow. I thought that was a lot. It took a long time to get them all together. She is also excited about a painting that she has begun. She likes painting much more than she thought she would. She really likes to draw.

Aleya is working on school, and enjoying her friends from church.

Tom is working a lot, and he taught Sunday School a couple of weeks back. He will get a couple more weeks off, and then he'll start teaching again.

Grandpa Keister and Grandma are coming this Sunday. Grandpa is going to teach the Physics class at Faith Academy. It should be a fun day!

I made my "to do" list. It seemed so long! There are so many things that you would like to get done before winter. Hopefully, this Saturday will let us get lots done.

I'll try to get my camera back from my daughter. Somehow, it just doesn't feel like mine anymore :) !

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