Thursday, February 25, 2010

The End of the Craziness

I have four more classes to teach, and then the most intense class that I am teaching this semester will be done! Whew. It has been so much work! My schedule should lighten quite a bit as I will only be teaching one class per day, Monday through Thursday. I have learned a lot, and have enjoyed it, but the level of work has been amazing.

Tom and I had birthdays this week. I love having them together. Then we kind of group our days and activities together. I like his birthday better than mine, though. On my birthday, we are the same age - for ONE day! He reminds me of that all day long. This year, we had a wonderful meal at a Thai restaurant with our close friends. It was so nice to go out in the middle of the day and visit with them and eat good food. Good fellowship and good food together is a great mix. All of my sweet children remembered (even Jathan, a little late), and Lorien spent her last nickels on Diet Coke. Kayren made a coffee mug warmer and bought me flowers. I took pictures but cannot get them loaded! The girls called me from college to let me know that they are living. (Moms like to know this!) All my brothers remember this year too! Wow! Way to go guys.

The next day, Kayren took us out again for lunch! It was so fun!

Tom and I were planning a trip to Columbus, Ohio. Why - you might ask? Well, there are two reasons. First, we had plane tickets that we had to use by March 5, and second, there was a reformed conference there for this weekend. After we got the tickets switched and everything set up for the weekend, the conference was canceled. Bummer. Now we have tickets to Columbus, Ohio for the weekend. It is so funny! We looked up the weather and it is supposed to be snowing and cold - unbelievable. We cannot change the tickets now without a huge extra fee, so tomorrow morning, off we go to Columbus. Well, it will be a wonderful time with my husband, because life is always good with him, but truly - there is nothing drawing us there! We did find symphony tickets for Saturday night. God's providence is always faithful, but sometimes it is just funny. He knows what Columbus has to offer, even though we don't!

Well, I have a lot to do before we leave. I need to get the oil changed in the cars, have lunch with a friend, write a quiz, prepare for class, teach a class, laundry, pack, ladies' fellowship tonight, and get the girls set up for us being gone. Off we go . . .

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Am I really posting?

I can't believe that I am actually posting today. It is very early on Saturday morning, which is why I have the time. We are watching Lucero children which has been great fun. Jody is the pastor of our church, and he and his wife, Amanda took a short, quick anniversary trip to MN for the night. We are watching their three little ones while they are gone. (Merry Christmas, guys!)

I am reminded of days of old when all my children were this age. These children are so delightful. I love drinking my early morning coffee and listening to them chatter about all the things they are thinking. No thought is left unsaid. It makes me laugh and smile. I so enjoy the conversations of these guys. They build stories about the stuffed animals they are holding, until Owen finds the gameboy. Then Mongi is the only one talking. She is able to carry the conversation alone. She has been talking since 5:30! So, I have balanced my checkbook, cleaned up after the dog, and straightened up some stuff in the house.

More snow is coming today. We hope to go and see Aleya's basketball game, and then hang around and work on math. I am thinking that I might get tired of the math after a while. Could be.

Well, I am going to wake my sweet husband so help out with kids.

I sure miss my little girls! But, it is so wonderful to watch them grow up and turn into ladies.