I was jealously reading Mary Kathryn's blog of the slower life at home, and finding myself envying her. At the point of exhaustion, I would love to be home! Tom and I have made some difficult choices though, and keeping the girls at Grandview was one of them. We want so much for all our choices to be wise and God-honoring, but so often they seem a mixed bag. Right now, working this much certainly isn't our first choice. It is so interesting to see how our choices work out in the big picture. We continue to pray that this was a wise one, and look forward to a lighter load in a few months!
The girls continue to do well at Grandview, and Kayren is doing well at the Network and at home. Kyrie seems to be having a very busy, but good year at Grove. Kesse is doing well at Bryan this semester too.
Jathan is still washing windows, but he is trying to get into the medical work force and get some more experience while trying to map out his plan to get started in med school, and get married - of course!
We were thankful for the time that we were able to spend in Cedar Falls with Dad's side of the family at Grandpa's funeral. It was a time of blessing and sweet fellowship in the Lord. We were grateful to know that Grandpa had a strong profession of faith at the end of his life. His funeral was such a blessing to us. Lane preached, Sarah sang, Renee and Jenna played the flute, and many family members read scripture. Gram came, but I don't think that she understood what was happening, which actually probably made it easier for her, and for all of us.
Well, I need to get things ready for morning. I'm ready for sleep!