We took some wonderful pictures of all the snow we got last night - about 9" or so. But, I left the camera at home. Maybe tomorrow I'll be able to submit some photos.
Anyway, no school today for any of us. The girls went to piano and we shoveled the Deatsches' driveway, as well as our own. Then I went to work anyway to work on labs and curriculum.
Kyrie is getting ready for her trip to TN tomorrow. She is applying for a scholarship to go to Bryan. She'll get to stay with Kesse and see the Robinsons while she is there! She'll be back on Monday.
Kayren is working on school anyway - no enjoyment on snow days for the OCD's in our house!
Lorien is avoiding schoolwork at all costs and finding every fun means of playing possible!
Aleya just loves tagging along with Lorien. There are so many fun things to do besides work! She is at a birthday party at present.
We are all getting over the nasty respiratory bug that hit us last week. Lorien avoided the worst of it, and is just sniffling. The rest of us continue to cough and hack, but are seemingly better.
Tom is reading his ecclesiology class that he is taking from MTIOP with our assistant pastor.
Our ladies' Bible study group is growing wonderfully! We are working through Elyse Fitzpatrick's book
Idols of the Heart. It has been a great study.